Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter egg hunt 2014

This great place, not too far from home, hosts a pretty fun Easter egg hunt each year and the girls look forward to it for weeks in advance. There's music and trinkets, Easter Bunny's and exercise stations all to go along with the big Easter egg hunt. 
First we said "hello" to the super freaky talking bunny!? Yea, that made me a bit weirded out to hear him talking!

And through all the local display booths about hand hygiene, safety in the community and home as well as fire trucks. The girls were eager to get to their respective egg hunt locations. There were 9,0000 eggs in this event! They divide the kids out by age and this year, Regan was in the older group with an actual "hunt" for eggs. I took Sidney to the pre-k area and we waited for the countdown. 

The girls waited patiently and promptly at 11am, heard the signal to start the hunt! It was a mad dash and kids were screaming with delight. Regan was so scared of rattle snakes coming to get her, but she ventured into the forest and seemed to quickly forget her fears. 

It was like playing a game of Where's Waldo. Eventually, I had to follow her beyond the caution tape for fear I was going to lose her. Within 60 seconds, it was all over and the eggs had all been 'found'. Her basket was over-flowing with jelly bean filled plastic eggs and she was so excited for her finds. 

I love these fun family events that get us in the spirit for Easter. It's one of the best times of the year!

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