Thursday, April 17, 2014

A little vegetarian

Back in high school, I made a decision that I wasn't going to eat meat anymore. It wasn't that I thought killing animals was inhumane, or that meat was unhealthy. Nope. I was simply grossed out about the process. I still can't handle raw meat, but have figured out how to creatively get it from package to pan/skillet/pot/grill without touching my hands. Sometimes I'm a magician :)
We've always fed the girls meat, because in all reality, I don't want them to follow my footsteps. It's just so limiting. Unfortunately, Sidney would just rather skip that section of her meal. That girl loves her veggies and fruit. She will gobble down almost any veggie, and is in heaven when we have a veggie tray or fruit platter during a party. Fruit by far, is her favorite. She'd live off it. When we offer the kids a snack, she almost always requests whatever fruit we have on hand. And she adores herself a good honeycrisp apple. Like down to the core, see that?! She has asked me if we can eat the core...
 This girl is going to be my vegetarian I just know it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ says: I knew people who ate the core also. Maybe just not the stem.