Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A little late

I'm a little late with my posting, things just seem to be happening faster than I have time to document them. We're busy with all sorts of fun things this spring, and just wishing that spring weather would actually stick around. So it goes in Minnesota.
I don't typically stock the kids' closets with spring clothing, because really there's no point.
This was taken yesterday...April 15th. Sad 
With this time of year, comes the wrap-up of all sorts of activities. The girls just finished skating lessons and I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched their progress last night. At the beginning of the season, Sidney couldn't skate without a "walker", now she is going forwards and backwards, doing "swizzles" and such. Regan is working on cross-overs and form. Amazing.
We are prepping for a dance recital, one in which Regan will perform in tap, jazz and ballet. She took pictures in her costume the other night and my oh my has she grown this year. Before she's ready to perform on stage we have another month of classes and a big dress rehersal.
There's a gymnastics meet in her future too, and she's busy working on several routines. This girl is busy I tell ya.
There's swimming lessons for Sidney and she can now do a front crawl with a side breath and a back crawl (though still kinda sinks like her daddy on his back because she forgets to show a "giraffe neck"). Work in progress. Regan is gaining endurance on the swim team and has really gained form in the butterfly. That thing is tough! Her 'coaches' have been amazing and she just glides across the water.
Regan will also make her first communion in just a few weeks, so we've been running back and forth to our beloved church as she does weekly lessons and then more worksheets at home. Here's a sneak peak in her dress, one that took us all over town shopping only to go back to the first store. She loves it, and so do I.

She's getting ready for the upcoming MAP testing at school (reading and math proficiency) and has been invited, nominated by her music teacher, to try out for a local choir. I honestly can't say we have room in the schedule to add yet one more activity next year. Something's gotta give.
Our peanut, er, should I say chunker, of the bunch is the definition of the "take along" child. Because we just have to "take him along". He enjoys the music at dance classes, adores watching the kids flip around at gymnastics and likes getting splashed from the pool. He's happy as a lark and for this we are grateful. We're working on sitting and it's coming right along. He has "found" his toes but can't exactly grab them....let's just say his belly gets in the way. He still doesn't consistently roll over. We keep busy by playing with toys, reading book after book and singing lots of songs. The girls are amazing with him, and it's common place for someone to cry out "oh no! help!" and you know it means they just got spit on.
Lincoln also cut his first tooth over the weekend and I'm still trying to get a picture of it; he can't seem to take the toy/hand/blanket out of his mouth long enough for me to capture the picture. With the tooth came a slight runny nose and, of course, another double ear infection. That's #3 if you've lost track. Poor guy. Lots of cuddles, some Tylenol for the teeth, another antibiotic and hopefully he's on the mend.     
 But through it all, he's still our smiley boy!

I hope to get better with these posts, but as I see it now, I spend my evenings helping with homework, chasing around to activities and snuggling Lincoln. And I just know that the time will come, all too soon, when my nights are free.

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