Saturday, February 22, 2014

Wheezing, ear infections and loads of antibiotics

Lincoln is starting early with doctor visits. I would have to look back, but I believe he wins the prize for earliest ear infection. 
Last week, as I held him, I noticed he was wheezing when he was breathing. And for a $10 co-pay, I opted to bring him into the doctor. I know enough to realize when a little one is struggling to breathe. 
She took one listen to his chest and agreed--wheezing. 
Immediately the doctor suggested an in-office neb treatment and an RSV test. 
Afterwards, she came back and said she had "good news and bad news". 
Good news: RSV was negative (whew!!, huge sigh of relief)
Bad news: RSV was negative (huh? why is this bad?)
There was no clear explanation for the wheezing. And so it was home-nebs for treatment. 
She took a look at the rest of him and noticed not one but a double ear infection! 
We had no indication he was battling this infection. He was happy, nursing great, sleeping fine and our all around smiley little boy. So in addition to home nebs, he's on a giant syringe full of antibiotics twice daily. And I say giant, because Sid too was battling an illness and had the SAME exact dose of antibiotic as Lincoln!! In fact, the pharmacist had to call back to the doctor and verify her prescription and then looked at me and said "it goes by weight. Clearly he's a big boy!"
Um, yea, 19 lbs 9 oz at just 3.5 months. 

Gosh darn, he sure makes that neb mask look cute :) 
He's doing great taking them, although I don't exactly believe they are working. He's 6 days into it and still wheezing the same.  

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