Friday, February 14, 2014

Birthday eve

Our oldest is turning 8. 
Holy smokes! Next thing I know and she'll be driving. 
Seriously, my sweet baby girl is wrapping up her "childhood". And I for one am not quite ready. 

Oh how I remember those sleepless nights, the baby who was born four weeks early and couldn't nurse, and who loved loved loved her swing. She was sweet and loveable right from the start. 

She was our busy toddler, getting into kitchen cupboards, toilet paper rolls and drinking mommy's coffee. She was the first of our babies to teach us about love and patience.

She was (and still is) a stellar traveler. Regan has been on 7 family vacations involving an airplane. From multiple trips to DC and more recent trips to California, she is easy going when it comes to all travel. Boy are we thankful for this!

She is inquisitive and has the most unbelievable critical thinking skills....and this sure tests my patience! Her most adorable thin curls have now muted to a soft thick wave. 

I think one of her favorite places to be is aboard Papa's boat and hanging out at the lake. She looks forward to this yearly vacation each and every year. We've been doing this since she was a baby when we had to pack up that beloved swing and drag it along. We travel more lightly now :)

Her life is getting busier and our family time already decreasing as she races off to dance classes, gymnastic practice, ice skating lessons and swim team. She keeps us on our toes and forces us to make the most of any minute of time we have together. 

Time is going so fast. It seems like just a short time ago, we were embarking on this parenting journey for the first time.

We cannot wait to celebrate you this weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: Happy Birthday Regan ! We love you very much. Have a fun day. 🎂