Sunday, February 09, 2014

3 beautiful blessings

These kids of ours make our days brighter, here's a little glimpse to make yours bright too:

Sidney is our spit fire. She can make believe like nobody's business: her barbies have been on a 2 month RV tour somewhere behind the couch near the curtains and Mickey Mouse seems to be in a plural marriage with several Minnies perched on top of Sid's ironing board. 
We don't ask questions.
Just sit nearby and listen to her imagination, but don't let her know you're listening, or she'll close up shop.

And then there's the baby of the bunch, with the biggest brown eyes that I have ever seen. He's been on a role lately blowing out diaper after diaper with some lovely smelling presents for me :) He'll let me hold him for hours on end, falling asleep in my arms. I can run my finger gently around his face and watch him slowly drift to sleep. And then wake up talking to me like I'm the best person in the world. When he flashes that beautiful open mouth smile, his eyes even shine. He sleeps between us at night and neither one of us are ready to let that go; his sighs and snores are wonderful background noise as we fall to sleep.

Oh this soon-to-be 8 year old is growing into such a beautiful person. Regan is an amazing helper with Lincoln, and is all around very motherly. As for getting  older, we're blessed with eye rolls and responses like "whateves" on a regular basis....this part I'm learning to respond to. She could write a book on how to tease and pick on a little sister. But we love her all the same. She is our guinea pig, being the first child, and so we are all learning.

At night I lay my head down and thank God for these 3 beautiful blessings.

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