Monday, February 03, 2014

Kindergarten registration

Sidney took part in kindergarten registration last week. I can't believe our baby girl will be off to school next fall. Boy is she ready. For 3 years now she has watched her big sis walk into school, come home with stories of learning and fun, and now it's her turn. She simply cannot wait! So on her big night, she grabbed her name tag and fearlessly walked into the classroom filled with other little children, all eager to start. I had to pry her away from the fun at the end of the night, and now have to field the daily question "when can I start kindergarten?"
We love you sweet Sidney but please don't grow up so fast!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ says: yes she is both, growing fast, and, ready to get there. Take it all in Mom, before you know it you will be watching your grand kids grow up.