Saturday, February 22, 2014

Snow fun

Although I for one am having no fun! I'm waving the white flag, surrendering to this cold, white snow and praying for warmer weather. 
Enough already. 
5 snow days for a metro school, this is unheard of! We are downright done with winter. 

But alas, we have had yet another snow storm and now onto another cold snap. Before it got real ugly out there, the girls played around the pool in those white drifts. 
Until Regan lost her boot in the snow and I was stuck inside giving Lincoln a neb treatment (more on that later) and Sidney wasn't strong enough to pull Regan's boot out of the snow. 
And so she sat and cried. 
And cried. 
And wailed until I came out to save her  (don't worry mom, she's fine!)
Oh it'll make for some good laughs later

This morning, I looked into the back yard and saw the beautiful waves of snow, and wished they were waves of sand, created by the ocean...

The drifts are tall enough to be foot stools near the swing. 

And we have our own little mini avalanche occurring at the sides of the pool. 
Dear Spring, PLEASE HURRY!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: I am left speechless. Why Lord do you have to give us so much cold & snow ? When can we all move to warmer weather ?