Friday, February 28, 2014

4 months

The little big guy of the bunch is now 4 months. It's amazing how much he has grown and developed in just 4 short months. We are soaking in all of his baby love each and every day. A lot of this has to due with the fact that we are older wiser in comparison to the first two babies. We snuggle him for hours on end, laugh with him, sing and dance, and just sit in awe and stare at him as he learns about the world. There are days where I get nothing done because I am too busy holding and playing; and frankly, it doesn't bother me one bit. Because there is a baby in this house, and I'm busy :) 
The poem that says it best ends something like this...

The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
for children grow up, as I’ve learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.

and that darn poem makes me tear up each time I not only read it, but just think about it. 

At 4 months, Lincoln is: 
* learning how to grasp and put objects in his mouth. He can successfully do this often but gets frustrated if he misses. He prefers to grab stuffed toys in comparison to rattles/plastic; my sense is this is because they are much bigger (ie: easier to succeed).
* eats every 3 hours from 7am-10pm, taking about 5 ounces/time. Nurses like a champ, which has made pumping an easy task while I'm at work. Our freezers are beyond full of milk.  
* sleeps 10pm-7am each night, between us in a snuggle nest for safety. Catnaps throughout the day, usually awake no longer than 1-2 hours except at daycare, where he's too busy flirting with the staff to fall asleep. 
* loves to play under the Baby Einstein play mat, sit in the swing and have toys held in front of him. 
* likes to hear stories, his library is growing :) 
* doesn't much prefer tummy time, but can get his head up to 45 degrees. No rolling or movement and I'm very happy with that so far. Plenty of time for that. 
* wears size 6 mo clothes, and even some of them are snug/short. 
* wears size 2 diapers-Pampers and has a sensitive bottom like the other 2 did. Desitin Max is our best friend at every changing. 
* starting to dislike car rides unless he's well fed and sleeping. 
* found his voice last week and has been screaming loudly with glee ever since! 
* laughs like crazy when I take off his clothes (it must tickle his neck). He's the MOST ticklish on his chubby thighs, under his arms, and really all over his body!
* lets me slowly run my finger around his face as he stares at me while we snuggle. This goes on and on until I grow tired of the task or he falls asleep. So very sweet to watch his face twitch with a tickle and his eyes gently close. 
* loves his bath, will sit and chill a long time, or until he coughs or sneezes and ends up pooing in the tub and I have to quickly scoop him out :) 
* weighed in at....20 lbs today! Yes, that read TWENTY! Putting him in the 98th percentile. Height is 26.5", putting him in the 94th percentile. His squishy cheeks are the best and I'm reminded of that daily by anyone that we see. 
He is the best addition to our family and is loved so very much! 

1 comment:

wallnebj said...

Tickling the face, I remember it well. And miss it, too! Pretty soon, he'll be asking you to sing "You Are My Sunshine."