Friday, July 12, 2013

24 weeks

Here we are at 24 weeks (and one day). Baby is growing and at about 1.5 lbs, is sitting breech currently. We got another peek inside today and s/he is looking good. The cord was across the face, casting a shadow on the cheek in the picture below. 

As for me, I can't complain. This pregnancy is both similar and different from the previous two. Strangely, I get some horrific side aches from simply walking. I can do an elliptical for 30 minutes, but can't walk one block. At this point, we are chalking them up to muscle pains and nothing more. Baby is constantly moving and that is very reassuring. Feeling the breech movements is something unique to this pregnancy, as neither of the girls were ever in that position by this stage. So I get a lot of kicks to my bladder....yea, that's fun :) S/He is very active in the afternoons and evenings, this is very much a pattern. I'm up most nights with a wild one and I can't help but smile at 3am :) 

So far so good. The girls are thrilled and excited and both enjoyed seeing baby today during the ultrasound, commenting "ohhhh, it's so cute!". Sure is! 

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