Tuesday, November 06, 2012


The buzz today is the election, and the importance of voting. Regan's school recently sent home a letter encouraging us crazy brave parents to take our children to the polls with us. The purpose is to show the children the process and help teach them about their eventual right to vote. So we did it. We braved the thought of long lines with two squirmy children. And Regan responded that it was "BORING!". Lines will do that. 
And then, when it was time to go, I held out Sidney's jacket and asked her to put it on. She looked at me, with her light brown eyes and a sad face. She asked "where are we going?", and I responded "home". To which she replied "but I thought we were going boating?". 
No sweetie, it's voting, not boating.
We weren't the only ones who got a good laugh out of that comment :) 


Anonymous said...

GJ says: Too funny. Boating is more fun than boating, I agree. Wish we could do it more.

Anonymous said...

GJ says: should have done proof reading before sending. Boating is more fun than voting.