Sunday, November 11, 2012

Game day

For at least 10 years, Ryan and I have been lucky enough to tag along with Lon/Vicky to a couple of Vikings games each year. Some years, back before we had kids, and I was a die-hard fan, I even missed Christmas eve celebration for a Packers/Vikings game. One year, Ryan "went deep" catching a football after the game. :) Boy oh boy do we have a lot of memories from a lot of games. I don't get to many of them anymore, but when I do, we continue to make memories. 

Today was a record-breaking history day for me: I made it into the dome and into my seat before kick-off! 
You read that right. For 10+ years, I've been going to games, but I don't ever remember seeing kick-off live. Don't get me wrong, we get downtown by 9am for a noon game. That's 3 hours of tail-gating type of fun. And sometimes we lose track of time....
we wanted to make it inside today to be a part of this:  

It was a really neat experience to both watch and partake. 
And since the girls were home with Grandma/pa, and had begged me not to go to the game but instead stay home and play (which I really wanted to do!), we had Logan take some photos of us to send home. I think this is also a first for us: a picture together at a game. 
 Thankfully the Vikings WON and it was an awesome game day! 

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