Friday, November 16, 2012

First Grade

We attended Regan's parent-teacher conference this week. Her teacher, bless her heart, has some amazing patience. Not necessarily for our chatty, sweet first grader, but for teaching first grade in general! Mrs. M keeps a classroom of 23 first graders in line with her wonderful abilities. 

At conferences, we heard how Regan is doing in reading and math, how she does socially and physically and in general, about her life academically. As predicted, she loves to chit-chat, but thankfully, is starting to figure out there is a time/place for her favorite past time. She attends the top reading "club" of all the first graders, and for this, we are thankful. Her favorite subject is art and while she couldn't pick a least favorite subject, my sense is it is math. Not that she's terrible, it just doesn't come as easy as reading. We had a chance to peak in and chat with her gym teacher too.....let's just say that Regan is going to give her future gym teachers a run for their money. She's the "girl" in class, you know, the one who would rather stand in the back, ask to go to the bathroom, or walk around the track. *sigh*. I can't win all the battles.
We were given a sample of her hand-writing too; Regan has some pretty impressive handwriting (when she puts forth a bit of effort). 
Keep up the good work Regan! We are so very proud of you. 

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