Sunday, November 18, 2012


I mentioned several weeks ago that I have been training for an indoor triathlon (timed, not distance). Today was the big day. I did all I could to prepare and really, for a variety of reasons, was only able to push myself  at the gym this last week. Let's just say I pushed hard.
I woke this morning at 5:30am, and considered myself crazy. Who gets up that early to go workout? And to do the workout I was about to partake in! 
As I drove to the gym/club, I reminded myself "mind over matter". I didn't want to go crazy (crazier than I already felt!), but I wanted to go further than what I thought I could complete. 
I joined my fellow crazy coworkers and started to get ready. I had never done something like this, so I didn't really know what to expect. But I got into my swimsuit, and then carefully laid out my clothes, iPod, shoes, etc so I was prepared for the bike and run portions. And before I knew it, we were in the pool and the whistle was blown. Here is how it went down:
10 minutes swimming (I finished .59 miles)
30 minutes on the spin bike (I finished 18 miles)
20 minutes on the treadmill (I finished 2.3 miles)
60 solid minutes of exercise! My legs felt like noodles but otherwise it wasn't so bad. 

I went home and wanted to feast on this : 

Kidding of course! But it crossed my mind :) 

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