Sunday, September 16, 2012

Final final

Today was our final final. 
Sadly, I think it's officially the end of our 'summer'. 
So we did what we know best, and hopped in for an afternoon of water fun! 
We cleared out the pool shed of all things pool toys, tossed the things with leaks and holes and floated around on things that floated. 
Peek-A-Boo, I see you Regan! 

We invited some friends over for the final final. Ty happens to love the pool, and often asks if we can adopt him. He's 2 years older than Regan but she's roughly the same height. And those two were being awfully silly by the end of the day. 

The pool once again gave us a lot of entertainment, exercise and fun times this summer. We are left wondering what we did with our time before we owned a house with a pool. And now we'll be left wondering what to do with ourselves this fall! Highlights of this year's pool adventures include Regan learning how to dive and swim laps, Sidney getting more confidence and going off the board alone, Sidney learning how to swim more independently, Ryan proving he has Olympic ability to hold his breath, and starting to consider a back flip (I think he's crazy) and I have done enough laps to wear a ditch, and tonight, starting doing back rolls from the ledge (not nearly as crazy as off the board). 

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