Thursday, September 13, 2012

Dinner table discussions

Each night at the dinner table, we talk about our day (because like Ryan mimicking Kramer, "do you know what you do at the dinner table?, you talk about your day!"). This week, Ryan's been working late so it is just me and the girls. I was asking Regan about school, and she was going on and on about this person, and that person, and this activity and that book. Sid wasn't very interested in Regan's day, and was trying desperately to interrupt "mom, mom, I want to tell you about my day"
Regan continued talking.
Sidney: "mooooommm!"
Regan keeps going
Sidney: "it's my turn!"
Apparently she had something pretty exciting to tell us, so I stopped Regan to allow Sid to talk. 
Sidney: "Madison peed in her pants today". 

And that, my friends, is what we do at the dinner table. 

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