Friday, September 28, 2012

Fall photo shoot 2012

Once again, we ventured to a nearby park to see the fall colors on THE. MOST. AMAZING. TREE. EVER!. It's the place we've gone since Regan was born, click HERE for all the previous years. I normally prefer the whole "jeans and sweatshirts"/Caribou-in-hand weather for this photo shoot, but I can't control the weather. And if it wants to be near 80 at the end of September, I'll soak it up and roll with it. 
 I took close to 80 pictures; here's just a few from the day. 
Oh how I simply love these two. More and more each day. 
was I seeing this right? 
red. orange. yellow. 
this place is breath taking beautiful
 Regan was the star of the day. She'd pose for a picture, turn and smile, and try to convince Sidney to do the same (which we both failed at miserably). 
instead, she did a lot of this. 
 because, you see, Sidney has a lot of me in her. Not the drama part...wait, maybe that too. But the "I must always be clean and free from germs" part. And at this particular park, there are A LOT of geese. Which means a LOT of geese poo. 
 We really should work on family fall pictures, at this park some year. The backdrop is unbelievable. 
 We met up with some friends who seemed to love this park just as much as we do. I sense they'll be coming back yearly too. 
 Sidney's smile is contagious and her giggle is infectious. 
and today was no different. 
This park is one of the reasons I love fall. Now if it would only stay this nice through March, I would be ecstatic! 

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