Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Kindergarten here she comes!

Another first for the oldest of the bunch: first official day of kindergarten. It was a morning of sleeping in for this house (a whole extra hour!) as we all planned to go with on the first day of school. A nice breakfast and a few pictures later, we were out the door on our way.
Doesn't she just look proud!
We parked and started the walk into school. All of us nervously making the trek from car to school, hand in hand.
Another dear father, with camera in hand, offered to take our photo. How sweet! The look on Sidney's face speaks volumes..."Please don't leave Regan here!". If I had to pick the person who had the hardest time this morning, it would be her. She doesn't fully understand what is going on, and as we walked out of school, she said "I want my Regan".
Let the waterworks begin....for both her and me!
Regan, however, walked proudly into class. So quickly in fact that I had to call her back out to give her a kiss goodbye!
I worked a shortened day so I could hear how the day went as soon as possible (secretly I already knew as I had typed her sweet teacher a message and she replied at the end of the day). To celebrate, us 3 girls chatted over ice cream. Highlights of Regan's day include playing on the playground, eating lunch (and remembering her lunch number), coloring with friends and "hey mom, I even took a nap!".
All day kindergarten is tough!
Downfall of her day, she learned there is only 2 more days of school this week and responded "mom, why I can't I go more?". I hope she's this eager in 10 years!

Congratulations Regan, we are so proud of you! And don't worry, your little sister is going to adjust just fine.

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