Saturday, August 07, 2010

What to do when it's hot and humid.

This sure has been the right summer to move into a house with a backyard pool. It's been hot and humid so often that when it does rain, we breathe a sigh of relief that we can run errands! Our morning rain was short-lived and when the sun broke this afternoon, the company came over and into the pool we all went. We might not even know what to do with ourselves come fall! You mean there's life beyond our backyard???

Sidney's becoming so brave, she enjoys jumping off the board into daddy's arms.
The Ryans and their babies enjoyed some time splashing around.
Any child that is close to, or smaller than Sidney, is considered a "baby" in her eyes. Megan is 8 months younger than Sid and she was such a good BIG girl with Megan. She shared not only her life jacket but (gasp!), her snack!! Sidney loves to eat and sharing a snack is not always easy for her.

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