Monday, August 23, 2010

Pool Party-Take 2

The second true pool party was held this past weekend, this time with Ryan's side of the family. We love being able to entertain and enjoy this Minnesota weather. The girls had a wonderful time playing with all of their cousins.

Sidney can't get enough of baby Paxton, even in the pool she didn't want to leave him alone!
Grandma Sheri found these cool horses used for a form of the old game "chicken"; amazingly Regan was able to balance independently after a little practice! Talk about core muscles! Unfortunately, neither horse held air for long and will be going back home to the store.
Ryan's starting to crack, he allowed not one but TWO dogs into our backyard!
The guys got busy working, much to my dismay (we had wanted a "no work, fun only party"). Jamie installed a beautiful new banister and Greg, Grandpa and Ryan installed a brand new (very expensive) pool light. Ryan was so flustered by the expense that he actually signed his name on the memo line of the check!; we saved on the electrician bill though! Hopefully we'll get some cool night shots from the party too...c'mon Ash, we're waiting!


Kari Wendinger said...

You never told me I could bring Teddy!

Hudson and Paxton said...

Geez.....who's big chest is in that first picture?!?!?!? ;) Thanks alot!