Monday, August 23, 2010

Stay-cation -Day 1

Ryan and I took the week off from work, another "stay-cation". We have a lot planned but all fun! Kari brought the kids up again for a fun play date; the only downfall is that the day seems to go by too fast! We had a gorgeous day to play outside in the pool and all of the kids got to enjoy it this time, even William! He seems to be the star of the show lately, our girls just can't get enough of him.

Both girls were on hand as William got ready to take a dip.
My attempt at taking a group shot during snack time, what was I thinking!?
More lovin' on William! Regan had fun pushing him around on his little boat.
Thomas tossing a pitch to Ryan who tried using a noodle as a bat. They had a pretty good game going for a while!
And yet more time showing William some affection. I think Sidney would've jumped into the pack n play with him at naptime if we would've let her! Kari promises they'd want to give him back after just a few hours, but I'm not so sure!

1 comment:

Kari Wendinger said...

I love that Thomas, Regan, Natalie and Sidney all have cheese ball shaped mouths in that group picture. :)