Saturday, December 28, 2019

Twas the week of Christmas....

,...and everyone was stirring!
We had a whole lot of busy-ness happening the week of Christmas. With three busy children and two full time working parents, there is never a dull moment around here.
Somehow we squeezed in all sorts of Christmas prep.
Sidney got to baking and whipped up all sorts of treats and goodies for us to enjoy. She (not so excitedly) let Lincoln help make cut out cookies one day.
Some fair weather days allowed us to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. We went sledding, played at parks and even went on scooter rides around the neighborhood.

Our elf-Ellie and her reindeer "tiger" had all sorts of tricks up their sleeves, which Lincoln thoroughly enjoyed.

Regan and Lincoln had class parties. They let me volunteer and I was happy to snap a few pictures with their friends. These fifth graders who freely roam hallways, have a much different party compared to the kinders.

All grade Kindergarten "snowball" fight....see Lincoln in orange in the middle of the gym having the time of his life tossing "snowballs" at his classmates!?
I got to see some of Lincoln's work hanging in the hallway :)

We hosted a variety of friend get togethers, and I'm so thankful that both groups enjoy Lincoln and let him tag along with any outdoor activity.
First it was Regan with her friends

Then Sidney and her friends

Ryan and I took Lincoln tubing at Buck Hill. He loves tubing and was begging to go; so one day while the girls were lazy and, we went without them. We had a great time!

My team pulled together and enjoyed an ugly sweater-white elephant gift exchange. I appreciate these people so much!

But in the thick of it all, we still enjoyed time at home together, under the lights of the Christmas tree (even if it was balancing the checkbook!).
It is a busy Christmas season, and we did all we could to soak it in. 

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