Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Christmas prep

Ready or not, here comes Christmas!
It's sort of how I feel every year, and this one is no different. I'm really trying to get into the holiday spirit, though it's not baking and cookie decorating this year.
We did a little "giving" with Regan's club softball team at Feed My Starving Children. It was a late Friday night with over 100 players, parents, siblings and coaches, where we packed and danced and packed some more.

This is a great experience to show the kids how to help those in need. Since both girls had gone before with other organizations, it was easy to bring along Sidney for this event. 

That mischievous elf has shown up again. Playing tricks on us and giving us a lot of good laughs. This prank wasn't so fun, as it resulted in Lincoln refusing to use that bathroom all day fearing "Ellie will see me naked!".
Backfire :)
St. Nick brought us gingerbread houses, only it turned out he didn't bring the pre-made ones. Darn it. So we had to exchange them for the much easier pre-made variety. Each kiddo decorated to their heart's content, and then Regan even let Lincoln help her finish up. Such a sweet (rare) moment!

After picking up our Christmas tree at the same lot we have been to for many years, Lincoln was the only one that wanted to take the annual horse drawn sleigh ride. It was FREEZING! But it was still fun, and he sported his Santa hat the whole ride.
Love you buddy.
And what is Christmastime without a photo alongside the big man himself?!
This picture doesn't show the groans and eyerolls from our girls, who think they are much to old to be sitting on Santa's lap. Or my pleas and bribes to do it for just one picture :) Let's face it, the days of getting all 3 of them on Santa's lap is dwindling, but I'm going to bribe for as long as it works.

There's still hope for baking, and driving around to see the decorations, and drinking in the holidays. It's sneaking up on us faster every year; but I'll try to soak it up while I can.


Anonymous said...

GJ-You need a warmer blanket for the sleigh ride, the one you had isn't very warm.

Unknown said...

this picture with santa is so good, all three look great