Saturday, December 28, 2019

Fearless boy

On Christmas day, my mom and I took the kids to the nearby sledding hill to burn off some energy. It was a beautiful afternoon and they were delighted to race down the hill.
It had been pretty warm on the days leading up to Christmas, so the "jump" area was quite muddy. Reluctantly, Lincoln agreed not to go down the muddy mess. However, he quickly saw another jump (single jump) a little off to the side and further down the hill.
Let's just say he was in his glory racing over that jump.
Here's a video of him having a great time.
But let's take a little closer look at him....his face is priceless!

He did this over and over again. Each time being catapulted through the air and landing hard but laughing the whole time. He has no fear that boy :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ: That was so fun to watch.