Tuesday, December 03, 2019

Happy 6th Birthday Lincoln

The day after we returned home from Hawaii, Lincoln turned 6 years old. Talk about an understanding manager, letting me take a 2 hour lunch break on my first day back after vacation :)
But I was encouraged long ago to take advantages of these moments....because I know I'm going to miss this time.
So I grabbed him Subway and met Ryan for lunch at school. Lincoln man was over the moon to have his parents show up at lunch!
For the record, he has asked us to pack up all of our stuff and move to Hawaii; he misses it as much as we do.

He opened presents and was pretty excited for these gifts from Uncles Ben and Jon.
And then it was a few more days until his big party day: his first friend birthday party! What a fun experience for this group of boys to run around and get out their energy at Pump It Up.


Lincoln Ryan, we love you to pieces. You are my favorite snuggle bug and the best caboose to our family. You have an impressive ability to meet new friends, find adventure wherever we go and are always moving! You teach me so much about life and remind me every day to slow down and take in these moments.
Happy 6th Birthday!

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