Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day 2017

Mother's Day this year happened to coincide exactly with Hope's college graduation (see previous post). I can't say that thrilled me much (commencement ceremonies aren't the most entertaining), but my mom....? she was pretty excited for that fact. You see, it meant that she got to spend ALL DAY with both of her kids and see her grand-kids. She lucked out I tell you! 

We are beyond lucky to call her mom. I laugh at myself when I split up my kids using my physical body, recollecting when my mom used to sit between Ben and me in church. I smile when the kids join me in the laundry room, thinking back to when I used to perch on the dryer and watch her iron clothes as we talked about the day. And I chuckle when I hear myself tell Ryan to "calm down" in dealing with the day's tantrum/tears/drama, because it reminds me of my mom's words to my dad. She's an amazing mom with patience of a saint and we love her to pieces! 

Following commencement, we were able to spend the remainder of the day pool side with a little back-yard BBQ to celebrate both Mom's day and Hope's graduation. I thank my lucky stars to have these 3 cuties call me mom everyday. I know that I joke about changing my name to dad after a long day of "mom!, mom!, mom!". But in the end, they warm my heart and make be proud to call them my children. I wouldn't want life any other way.
Happy Mother's Day! 

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