Friday, October 17, 2014

Halloween Prep

Our kiddos are decked out and ready for the Halloween holiday coming up. We try to get good use out of their costumes and attend a few events around town. Today was just a photo shoot in the back yard with Regan our peacock, Lincoln our lion and Sidney our butterfly fairy (which by the way she discovered and created all on her own). 

Let's take a closer look at the littlest, because gosh darn it, he is sure cute in that lion. He didn't dress up last year, being only 3 days new, so I may have spent an outrageous amount on this costume, but really I'm making up for last year too :) 
Serious, it's just too much! I can't stand how cute he is! 
And all warm and fuzzy ready for trick or treating night. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ;: Maybe he could wear it next year too, with a little alteration