Monday, October 27, 2014

Birthday eve....the big ONE!

Tomorrow he turns one.

One year old.
How in the world did that year go past so quickly?

I did everything I could to soak in every moment. Snuggled him endlessly, let him nap in my arms, watched as he laid looking at his swing mobile and listened as he cooed and babbled. Tried to ingrain his sounds into my memory, all of those sighs during his exhale and his infant baby squeaks. 
We celebrate every milestone: from words to teeth and sitting to crawling.

And tomorrow, he goes from our baby to our one year old.
 From this:
To this:

 He is downright the sweetest baby I have ever met. He hugs and snuggles and gives slobbery kisses. He's much more quiet than the girls ever were (isn't that just men in general?), but has really started babbling and we all love listening to him talk. He says mom and dad and just recently we've heard an "is" out of him, which we all strongly believe means "sis" (the girls say sissy a lot in reference to themselves).

 The last year has taught us patience and love and just really what it means to live in the moment. I'm not hurrying him along in growing up, nor trying to slow him down. We're just reveling in the moment. Smelling the roses so to speak.

When we were preparing for our induction for his birth one year ago, we took in a hearty meal and soaked up one last night with only Regan and Sidney. We took pictures and giggled at just how round my belly had become. Despite not wanting to come on his own, he was ready in every sense of the word....our 9+ lb baby!

Oh sweet baby boy, we love you so much and are ready to celebrate your first birthday!


Anonymous said...

GJ: Happy Birthday, we love you soooo much!🎂

Anonymous said...