Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Watching our garden grow

We love our garden, the fact that it's a wee bit overgrown this summer, just shows I'm a tad too busy with Lincoln and the girls to care about weeds. I'm giving myself some slack this year. Afterall, my  mom has always told me "the dust will be there tomorrow" (reminding me to snuggle my babies and worry about the dust another time) and I'm expanding that quote to include the weeds as well :) Thanks mom! 
But we really do enjoy the beauty in our back yard. Can't take credit for it, the prior owners put it in and made it what it is today. We just get to reap the benefits. Although I haven't a clue what most of the flowers are and I'm still trying to figure out how to cut them back each spring/fall. I'm open for advice! 
Like this beauty....I swore it was a weed because I don't recall seeing it in prior years. But holy cow is it pretty! And they are growing in various parts of the garden, in no specific order. 

And then there are our raspberries. Which are back finally after some careful nurturing for the past 3 years. Unfortunately, I discovered spotted wing drosophilia larva in them... but only AFTER we had eaten loads of them. Yea, talk about disgusting. So for this year, they are a wash sadly.

Yesterday, Lincoln and I were walking around the garden, and I was pointing out various plants for him (he's been terribly sick and unhappy, but this game is fun for him). And we came across this cute little guy! 

He was so adorable! 

And then as we walked, I found this carcass too! EEEEK! It's the bones (and tail) of a squirrel. I raced to the other side and screamed for Ryan who thought it was a pretty awesome discovery and called for the girls to come check it out. 
Boys will be boys. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ says: look up Lillie's. I think the orange one is a Tiger Lily.