Saturday, August 09, 2014

a trip to the zoo

 Ryan's new gig is pretty sweet and I think they are #1 in putting family first and actually meaning it. There are companies (and bosses) that say "we put family first" and then there is his company who actually demonstrates it. Yesterday, they closed up shop at 10am and the whole place (plus families) were invited to a picnic and day at the MN Zoo. How cool is that! 

Sid was in her prime before we even entered as she tried 'milking' this statue....

We explored for hours on end, and enjoyed nearly every inch of the zoo (we skipped out a couple of exhibits at the end without the girls knowing it as our feet were tired and bellies were hungry and it was time for this family to exit the zoo!).

Lincoln enjoyed all the animals from his stroller or his seat on my hip. We talked about all the animal sounds and got up close and personal at the farm site, where he giggled and laughed as the sheep crawled into my lap. 

While in the bear cave, we were able to watch the bears "play" and then stroll into the water for a swim. They got right up in our faces and all 3 kids were in awe! 

 News to us, there are now camel rides at the zoo (we generally go to the Como Zoo and it had been 2 years since we've been to the MN Zoo). So we obliged to their request and paid the fee, letting them stroll around for a mere 2 minutes on the back of a camel. Oh but they were excited. 

I couldn't help but snatch a picture on top of the big pig's back. We had a wonderful family day and so happy that Ryan has such a great employer! 

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