Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Our dear Regan. Where to start....
Let's start with the not-so-awesome end of things. This girl is sassy. Bordering on being a "Fire-breathing dragon teenager". Seriously. In the midst of trying to teach her something, she can flip the switch and take the "know it all" stand. And from there it spirals out of control.
She knows everything. And she is always right. No changing her mind. She might ask a question, say "do you think the sky is more blue or more white". We respond with our answer and she will immediately tell us we are incorrect and that she, in fact, is right. Or the other day, we went for a walk and the hill was pretty steep so we warned our oh-so-clumsy children to be careful and walk down, not run. She instantly started running. I'm guessing the teenage years are going to be fun with this one.  
This morning Ryan asked her not to brush her hair in the kitchen (he gets a little grossed out by the trail of excessive amounts of hair). She continued to brush. And brush. And brush. Despite his multiple requests.
Oh she boils our blood!  
And then there's the constant picking on her little sister. Comes with the territory of being the oldest I suppose, but man alive, she is relentless! If Sidney wants to play with her, Regan is known to purposely ignore her and wander through the house with Sidney whining behind her "play with me Regan!". It's fun to be "wanted" in her eyes. Grr that makes us upset!
But what about her sweet side?

She is very sweet, and loving, and caring. She loves to help with Lincoln and most importantly wants to hold him. All 22 lbs. It's becomming a little much for her to carry him right now, but she'll still try. And she wants to make him laugh too. When Regan and Sidney are playing nicely together (yes, it happens despite what I just wrote above), it's the sweetest thing to listen to; all their make believe play with barbies, sand box toys and made up games. They can be best friends and it melts our hearts.
Regan is an amazing student. We don't have to worry about her, and this is a blessing. Especially with a new baby this year. She excelled in her recent standardized testing, so much that we got a note home from the teacher. When she puts her mind to a task, this girl can move mountains. At night lately, she will crawl into bed, say her goodnights and then flip on her flashlight and read for 20-30 minutes. She's finishing chapter books in record time.
And then last week was her mile run test. The dreaded mile run, "mom, it's sooooo hard". With some encouragement to run with an althetic-minded friend, she finished in time to obtain the National Fitness Award! 10 minutes 23 seconds. Keep in mind this is the same child that opted to walk the mile last year and finished somewhere around 18 minutes. To say we were proud doesn't even describe the feeling!
Last night she had her first softball game of the season. I had little expectations; last time she played (two summers ago), she went ALL season without a hit. That was a very long season. So you can imagine my surprise when her first at bat she swung and cracked a perfect hit! Yes, I was that mom on the sidelines crying. Full blown 'proud mama' tears shooting down my cheeks. Way to go Regan! Now if we could just get your behavior in line with your sweet personality, life would be easier.
Love you sweet sassy oh-so-challenging little girl!

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