Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Art show

Regan adores art. Always has. It's an activity we can almost always engage her in. She loves pencils, colors, markers, chalk, paint, oil pastels, etc. But we're finding that our art cabinet is over-flowing with "stuff" and she can't seem to start and more importantly finish, any project at home. However, in school she is doing some amazing work. Given her love of art, we weren't super surprised when we got a note home from school last week that her art teacher was putting a piece of Regan's work in the upcoming art show. She was over the moon excited and we were very proud of her! 

The art show had a "Grand Opening" with a recognition and reception on Monday evening so she soaked up the whole being on stage.

Grandma Monday meant Grandma Jan got to join us at the reception which was a treat too :)

Uncle Ben offered to buy her art work too....we'll have to see what Regan is going to charge him! Congratulations Regan, we are very proud of you and your fish!


Anonymous said...

Loved seeing/being able to see you accept your award. Congratulations on a beautiful painting. GJ

Hudson and Paxton said...

Wow!!!!! I am impressed! That fish is awesome.