Monday, May 26, 2014

Grandma's house

We have some pretty crazy schedules these days and getting out of town hasn't been easy. But this weekend we were invited to my cousin's graduation party and were able to double the fun with an overnight at grandma Jan and Papa's.

The girls were pretty excited...partly because of those bunk beds with the built-in  ladder.  

While Ryan and my parents went golfing, the kids and I were lucky enough to hang out with my dearest friend and Lincoln's Godmother-Kari and her kids. It's never long enough but it's always fun to catch up in person. The kids all played at the park and were filthy when we left; a sign of a FUN playdate! Lincoln took a turn swinging too, giggling away at the fun.

My parents brought the girls up to Herman Monument, a favorite of theirs. Grandma promised them she would climb to the tippy-top (freakishly afraid of heights), but chickened out while visibly shaking on the way up.

I think she much preferred to play trucks with Lincoln instead, safely on solid ground.

Regan cried her eyes out at bedtime that she forgot her chapter book at home. Among the 3 + bags of items packed, seems like everyone forgot something! It's becoming challenging to leave home.

I would say Lincoln did fair-to-good on his first overnighter. He travels well in the car, much better than his sisters at this age. But he matches them in overnight sleeping while away from home. To put it in perspective, at home he wakes for his pacifier one time (on a bad night). At my parents house, he was up 10 times.
I'm surprised that I didn't have bags under my eyes here!
Between the tears of forgetting things and the lack of sleep, might be a while before another overnighter.

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