Monday, May 19, 2014

Lincoln lately

This babe is a gem. His coos make our hearts melt and his giggles bring us joy. He is the best addition to our family of 4 and we couldn't be any more in love. All of us agree he fits perfectly into our family.
Lincoln is our happy go-with-the-flow kinda kid. He just eases into each situation and does what needs to be done: eat, sleep, play and poo. Wherever we are, that's his nature. I drag him along to gymnastics and the fellow moms all comment how sweet he is (one mom purposely sits behind me each week so she can stare at him and long for her own newborn again). We bundle him up and he tags along to bi-weekly softball games where he naps in my arms and blows out his diaper. I have now mastered changing blow-out diapers in the front seat of my car with 40-50 degree temps. Thanks son.
He's in love with this spring weather as much as we are. Teaching him all about the trees and the sounds of spring while we walk through the neighborhood or sit in the backyard. I'm sure the neighbors think I'm losing my mind as I talk to him like he's really understanding.

He can sit and play with toys. He is learning to play 'catch'. Well, we call it catch. He'll try to grab the ball and it rolls towards another person. We cheer and toss it back.
 He thinks this game is hilarious and will play with whoever sits near him.
Lincoln still loves to jump like crazy in his Johnny Jump Up.
He nurses like a champ and dislikes veggies. Stinker will gag on them until we stop. We've all started clapping and hip-hip-hooray'ing at each bite so he'll keep eating. Double stinker.

We head over to see our trusted ENT doctor (Ears, Nose, Throat) to assess the need for tubes later this week. With 4 infections (one extending out to make it seem like a 5th) in just 3 months, he's due for a break. I worry about his hearing and I don't want his speech to be affected long-term. But at the end of the day, he's our sweet, most adorable, affectionate baby and we are all so in love with him!

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