Friday, March 14, 2014

Welcome back!

My parents have finally returned from their status as "snow birds", and I can tell you, we are soooo happy to have them back! Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for them to be able to live out their dreams and spend a couple of months each year in a warmer climate. I'm pretty sure that Ryan would adore being in a state where he could golf in January and February; so snow bird status is hopefully in my future too :) 

Lincoln has grown exponentially since they left. He was 2 months to the day back then, and despite lots of pictures, videos and Face Time, seeing him in person is a whole different view. My dad could not believe his eyes "look at how BIG he is!". 
I think it's cute that they match in their stripes

Regan cried her eyes out for days after Grandma Jan left in December, so she was pleased as punch to have her back. Even better, she was off school for two days this week so Grandma got to hang out a little extra. 

This little man warmed right up to the grandparents he hadn't seen in 2 months. He showed them his smiley-happy-spit uppy- usual self! 
Welcome back mom and dad, I'm so happy to see your tan faces in person!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GJ:It is so very nice to be back with you all. Loved the time away from the cold, but, nothing warms me more than those hugs & smiles.