Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Lincoln has started the journey of food exploration. He was showing interest and at the right age per our pediatrician's recommendation. And so, we tried. First day was an epic fail. Little did anyone realize, but he was actually really hungry, and so trying something new isn't a good idea. But he wasn't "due" to eat, and so no one knew he was actually hungry. And holy moly was he mad when the spoon didn't deliver food like he was accustomed to. So the next day, I timed it much better and there was no way he was possibly hungry.
Of course, it's messy and according to Uncle Shane, very gross, but he likes it and we are having fun introducing him to textures :) My amazingly dedicated parents are embarking on a new journey as they have agreed to make his baby food. Like with real food. So there's cleaning, cooking/boiling, pureeing and freezing going on and we cannot wait until he's ready to try this healthy stuff. Thanks mom and dad!!

1 comment:

Hudson and Paxton said...

I know how he feels, I'm utterly disappointed when my spoon doesn't deliver the food I want too!