Wednesday, March 26, 2014

here we go again

Sadly, I think Lincoln is following in his sweet big sister's footsteps. At just under 5 months, he's been hit with another ear infection. Thankfully, we caught it pretty early after just one sleepless night. Sunday we traveled to New Ulm and could tell he wasn't his usual self but chalked it up to being out of his element and it being a long day for him. By Monday he wasn't much better and didn't sleep well at all overnight. So on Tuesday, I brought him in and the results weren't surprising: double ear infection. We had thought maybe he was teething the way he was chomping away on his nuk, but the doc says he's just showing normal infant behavior by chewing and drooling. 

So back onto antibiotics he goes; after being off them for only 6 weeks. Now I know people have all sorts of stories about chiropractors and herbal remedies. But we'll go with our experience and if history repeats itself, we'll go back to our amazing pediatric ENT and get the job done. At this point, we aren't there yet and I thank my lucky stars that it's simply an ear infection. I'm praying the spring weather will help. For now, we'll just keep snuggling this growing baby boy who continually repeats "mmmooomm" and gives us all sorts of smiles and giggles! He's into this new toy lately...and having so much fun! 

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