Friday, March 28, 2014

five months...and growing

There's no denying it, our big guy is getting bigger. Lincoln just keeps growing and growing. But man alive, he is such a stud! That hair, it just does what it wants!

Today he flipped to 5 months old, and I cleaned out his closet of most 6 months clothes because well, they were tight! And I have found so many adorable 9 month clothes shopping around lately....gosh it's fun!

And when he eats and gets messy, it just means I have a good excuse to change him into another cute outfit! Who says boy clothes aren't as cute?!

At 5 months:
* we are still squeezing him into size 2 diapers but only til these are gone. Then it's onto 3's.
* clothes are mostly size 9 months now
* sleeping 10pm-7am and short 20 min to long 1.5 hour naps.
* sleeps in the family cradle beside our bed overnight often going to bed awake but sometimes not.
* naps wherever: car seat, my arms, swing, crib, bouncy chair, etc and we LOVE this!
* the most flexible baby ever (except feeding), just goes with the flow
* happiest of all our babies. Laughs at anything and smiles easily. Such a good baby
* enjoys light up toys or plush things to chew on.
* loves his bouncy chair that lights up, just started to use exersaucer and likes this too
* still breastfeeding: eating every 3 hours about 5 ounces
* started eating home made baby food (so far carrots, bananas, avocados and sweet potatoes)
* says "mmmooommm" and "ma" all the time :)
* not very mobile: still doesn't roll much, but does lift his legs and slams them down to move
* has had 2 ear infections, both cleared with amoxicillin
* eczema on his face can get out of control if not treated daily: was all swollen last week.
* drools like crazy and still spits up all day long.
* at the doctor this week weighed in about 21 lbs!

Take a look at those thighs! 
Seriously, they are gigantic. 
When people hold him, I am constantly asked "how do you do this?!"...referring to how heavy he is. I think I just adjust. Ryan can't get his car seat into my car (middle seat) because it hurts his back. Regan even comments that it's easier to hold Harlow, and she's right!

Happy 5 months to our big boy!

1 comment:

Hudson and Paxton said...

Oh my goodness! That striped shirt, adorable!! And his ankles are my favorite, or lack thereof :)