Saturday, October 05, 2013

See the fall colors 2013

Each year, we venture to a local ski hill and ride up the chair lifts to see the fall colors (click here , here,  here and here for previous years). And each year, we comment that they've missed the mark by about 7-10 days in terms of "peak" color. But nonetheless, we keep going back and have a really great time. 
There was a break in the rain/hail tonight, so we made a bee line for the hill in hopes we wouldn't get soaked. 
Turned out to be great timing.
We know that the girls' favorite part of the evening is always the ride up to the top; and who can blame them!

Once on top it was bon fires, s'mores, music and fun. Sidney impressed Ryan with her hoola abilities; something he hadn't seen her doing yet. She's pretty awesome at it and can go for quite a long time; clearly taking after her big sis.

We headed over to the raptor center viewing just in time....dinner time that it! This owl was given a dead mouse (yea gross, but pretty cool at the same time). She looked around for a minute and then in 3 quick bites, it was gone. Ewwww! 

We ran into some family friends who offered to take a family picture, as she put it, one more picture as a family of 4! 

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