Thursday, October 24, 2013


Here we are, 39 weeks pregnant. Yes, still pregnant. Funny thing is I really do love being pregnant. Most people call me crazy for saying that, or look at me like I've lost my mind. Maybe I have :) But I really do love this most amazing and unique experience. Sure I'm uncomfortable at this stage of the game, there's sciatica pain that makes me stumble when I stand up, crazy belly button pain explained away by muscles being pulled in all directions, heart burn that doesn't burn but rather feels like a giant gobstopper stuck in my throat and feet that are mildly swollen each evening. I haven't seen my toes in weeks, maybe months, but my lovely husband painted them orange recently....perfect for the season. It's comedy hour watching me try to get off the couch or roll out of bed in the morning. It's slim pickins' when it comes to clothing, not much fits around this belly anymore, and there's no way I'm spending any money at this stage. So I may be wearing the same pair of pants until baby is born!

And yet, I still love having this gigantic belly staring at me in the mirror each day. Right now, though, we are all very excited to meet this new one, and super hoping s/he will make his/her debut this weekend. Because at the end of the day, we are ready. 

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