Friday, October 01, 2010

Three Rivers Park District

Today we made the annual trip to Hyland Ski Resort to ride the chair lifts and see the fall colors from the top. And once again, it proved to be a great experience for all of us.

Regan was more than thrilled to go on a "ride". She followed all the rules: hanging on, not kicking her legs, sitting nicely, etc.
This little peanut on the other hand, was a wee bit scared at first. She snuggled up tight but eventually figured out this was going to be fun, not scary. She managed to sit between myself and Regan and then proceeded to try to stand, turn around to see the people behind us, look W-A-Y over the safety bar, etc. Grandma Jan would've had a heart attack....
Once at the top, we saw a red tail hawk and owl on display by the raptor center, played some games and won some snacks, and roasted s'mores by the fire.
And of course, we took some pictures
Sidney knows that the best part of a s'more is actually the chocolate. She took a bite or two, then pulled out the chocolate from the inside and dropped the rest onto the ground.
Our smart little girl
And since we can't take the lift down the hill, the girls decided to follow the other kids and roll down the hill! We thought about joining them (there were a few other adults!), but both of us worried we'd get sick.

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