Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or Treat!

That time of year again, where the kids dress up, their school's host parties and this mama does her darnedest to make it to two parties and through trick or treating with a big smile on my face. 
Thankfully I have a pretty awesome coworker who picked up my slack this afternoon...on his birthday nonetheless! It allowed me to dash out of the office around 12:30 and head to Regan's class. 
I arrived just as the kiddos were getting into costume for the parade. The shape of the school creates a natural indoor parade route and all the kids line up along the hallways and one class follows the next.
Aren't they so cute! 

From there, four of us parents supervised 'stations' for the next hour; I was tasked with candy corn relay. Other stations were cupcake decorating, bowling with pumpkins (that was a LOUD bang against the wall with each throw) and Halloween bingo. The kids love holiday parties and I love helping out! Getting to know all 21 classmates makes me feel like I know so much more about Regan's day. Her teacher and student teacher are wonderful and I remind them constantly how impressed I am not only with their teaching ability but their incredible patience. 

Just as Regan's party wound down, we dashed out the door and raced a few miles north where Sidney was waiting (tears welling in her eyes) for us to arrive. Ryan beat us there and she thought that meant I was a 'no-show'. Oh my sweet mama's I love her drama. She spotted me walk into her room and flew across the table into my arms. I love those warm welcomes! 
Their new 'treat' policy means no more cupcakes and cookies and candy. I thank them for this policy. Instead, the kids snacked on fruit kabobs, yogurt and granola bars. In all honesty, they had just as much fun with those "treats". 

Our little ham then shined in front of a group of parents as she sang the months of the year while doing the Macarena Dance. Man alive that is cute. She has been practicing hard and sometimes I just ask her to sing/dance so I can watch her talent. 

Finally after an early dinner, it was time to head out trick or treating. Leigha joined me once again and I'm sure glad to have her with! It makes the walk much more enjoyable, because frankly, the girls don't so much need my help anymore climbing the stairs or remembering to say "thank you". They just bounce from one house to the next, or stumble...only two falls (one each), and one with any substantial blood. After all, it is dark outside! 

 Here are Ryan, Sheri and Hope's masterpieces! Me and the girls have the sole job of cleaning out the guts, the rest was up to them. Don't they look awesome!? 


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