Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mystery girls weekend

This weekend it was my turn for a "first". It was the first time I left my family for TWO nights. And as much as I was dreading leaving them, I knew I was going to have a wonderful time. 
I had no idea what the weekend had in store, only our fearless leader knew. This is something called 'Mystery Weekend'. Chrissy planned a great get-a-way, but it was a complete secret. We were given a packing list, and one that had us pretty puzzled when we read things like "super hero costume" or "one garbage bag". 
And then we arrived at this place in SE Minnesota. Though in it's 1970's interior design, it was perfect. 
After a night of pedicures, games and loads of laughing around the kitchen table, we were told to be awake and ready to go at 9:45am. 
In super hero costumes. 
What?! At 9:45....AM!!! 
Turns out, we were creating and then entering a pumpkin derby....while in costume.  
Yes, you read that right, check out the photo below. We crafted two pumpkins including axles/wheels and decorating and then let them sail down the track in a race. 
 Thankfully we were able to change out of our (very cold) Super Hero costumes before heading out onto the river in kayaks. For two and a half hours we paddled (in the misting fog...hence our garb), and chatted while taking in all the incredible scenery. I'm telling you, Chrissy knows how to plan a great weekend!
 And what girls weekend is complete without a night out on the town!? I let go complete control of any plans/itinerary for the weekend and let's just say it was the most amazing experience. I did what I was told, was in the complete dark of what was to happen next and never once had to make any decision. 
It. Was. Awesome!

And what does a daddy and his two daughter's do when mommy is away? (besides Regan's multiple melt downs of "I miss mommy")
They go to a school-related party, a birthday party and of course....

eat out for nearly every meal! 
Looks like they too had a fun weekend and everyone was excited to reunite this afternoon.

 We got to end the weekend dogsitting for THE best dog around!! 
Thanks to Maddi, we were able to spend several hours walking, playing and snuggling with Nala! 

Thanks for an amazing weekend!

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