Saturday, October 20, 2012

Double Dorothys!

The girls get excited each year for Halloween, as I suppose do most children. They spent countless hours tossing around ideas of "what to be". Regan was pretty solid on her "Dorothy" costume, but Sidney changed ideas every time she was asked. Once she saw the Dorothy dress, she too fell in love and couldn't resist. 
So we have two Dorothys...and two Todos for Halloween. 
This afternoon we participated in an annual Halloween event, and on the way. 
 Sidney fell asleep. 
Poor girl caught a cold....look closely at how I found her as I was about to take her out of her seat: 

She woke up and the two had a great time, heading down the trail to various "tricks" so they could earn their "treats". A few scares on Sidney's part with costumed volunteers that she wasn't eager too get close to. But she braved it, sticking close to big sissy so they could have a bag full of candy at the end. 
 Happy (early) Halloween! 

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