Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Sports, ambition and having fun

The girls started back up in gymnastics this fall. Sidney entered into the 4 year old class and celebrated her 4th birthday around the same time. Each week, she puts every effort into class: listening closely, mimicking all the moves, and trying her very best to succeed. It's wild and crazy to watch her newly celebrated 4 year old mind soak in all that she can in that 45 minutes. Then she comes home and wants to remind us how much she has learned and demonstrate her moves. 
All of her hard work has paid off for her. 
BIG time. 
Because this week was assessment week. She was instructed by her teachers to simply "try her best" and reminded by her parents to "keep her listening ears on and have fun". After all, she's 4. My goal is for her to have fun and learn how to pay attention and follow instructions. 
She surpassed everyone's expectations. After class, her teacher was visiting with her, handed her a sheet and I knew something was brewing. Sidney was B-E-A-M-I-N-G with pride. 
This is what she showed me: 

There's a check next to "beginner 1"...the part that says ages FIVE and over! 
She knows this is a big deal, because not only is she moving to the 5 year old class (having just turned FOUR!), but she's moving to the BIG gym, something she has only dreamed about. And man alive is it big: 

I took videos today as she practiceed handstands and cartwheels : click HERE and HERE. My favorite part of these videos, is her expression. She is just giddy with excitement. Congratulations Sidney! 
We are sooooo over the moon excited for you! 

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