Sunday, March 25, 2012

Traveling family

Travel has been a big part of my life. When I was 18, I embarked on my first international trip and headed to Ireland with a group from my hometown. It was an amazing experience. A handful of trips overseas later, I brought Ryan with me and we had a blast living it up and seeing another part of the world. After Regan was born, I didn't want to stop traveling, although we've had to scale back considerably. That said, she's been on more than a handful of trips in her 6 years and Sidney's quickly catching up. 

Ryan's cousin invited us to his California home a few years back. Life got in the way with having babies and purchasing houses and prevented us from going. But tonight, we announced to the girls that we were going to California, and got them super excited by mentioning that we will be spending time at Disney. Click HERE to see their reaction; they are over the moon!

And while we don't (yet) get to gallivant across the ocean like we once did, we are pretty excited to take the girls on this trip and hope to give them some pretty great experiences!

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