Monday, February 20, 2012


We spent the long weekend on our annual Duluth trip with Gma/Pa Friederich. Some day we might actually take in more of what the city has to offer than just the water park, but for right now, that's plenty of fun for these two cuties who simply could not wait to get their little heads wet!

 Thankfully Regan has a great time playing with Grandma because I had my hands full with Sidney who refused to let go and eventually I made the comment "I feel like a mama monkey with a baby hanging on me!". 
 Our little monkey was not pleased to stop and pose for a picture. 
 There was plenty of wet fun for everyone. After a warm up of about 2 hours, Sidney allowed herself to enjoy one of the slides on her own, provided I was close by. Ryan and Grandpa kept themselves busy on the big-kid slide. 
Regan is our brave soul, and did a great job at showing Sidney the ropes, even let Sidney go down on her lap a few times. What a sister! Regs loves the big kid slides too, but turns into Sidney and will only go down with me because she remembers bonking her head last year while going down with Ryan. 
 Sunday evening we went out for dinner to celebrate Regan's birthday (the reason we go to Duluth every year) and the waitress brought a gigantic birthday dessert. Unfortunately the place was so cold that I sat there with my jacket and hat on! Obviously Regan didn't have a problem and helped devour the plate!
 Our silly birthday girl with her new Panda hat that she so loves. 
Happy Birthday Regan! 

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