Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Happy 6th Birthday Regan

This morning, I woke up at 6am, as per usual. Only today I thought back 6 years ago, when I woke about the same time to my water breaking. I relived the moment, the thrill, the unknown, the excitement. I have the privilege of working at the same hospital that my babies were born in. So my flashback continued at 7:20 while I walked into the hospital, just as I had done 6 years ago (yes, I walked into the hospital in labor, water broken....not exactly pleasant). I remembered carrying some mail on that frigid morning, knowing I wanted to drop it in the "outgoing mail" near the parking ramp. Funny the details I remember. 
As the day went on today, I thought about how my morning had progressed with labor. 
Today, around noon, the same time I had received my epidural, Ryan and I headed to Regan's Elementary School for a lunch break.
She and her friends danced around the playground as we waited to be called in for lunch.
 We ate lunch today and I remembered the relief I felt after that epidural had kicked in. 

 And then we headed back to work so Regan could do what Kindergartner's should do after lunch: REST! Oh how I wanted to join in on the break and snuggle her as my mind went into flashback mode. 
Instead, I went about my own day, seeing patients, mentoring an intern, and the next thing I knew, it was just after 3pm. And my mind once again jumped back to the moment in time that Regan arrived-3pm on Wednesday February 15, 2006. Oh the rush of love I felt back then; a depth of love I never knew existed. 
 We went about our day and after school, headed to Regan's restaurant of choice for dinner: Rainforest Cafe. 
 She gasped when the waitress came out with her volcano dessert the size of her head! Seriously, that thing is monstrous in size and oh so yummy in taste! Sure beats the hospital food I ate the day she was born. 
 As I drifted back in memories to snuggling a newborn baby girl, she begged for a few rides at the amusement park before we returned home for the night. Hard to say no to two little girls like this. 
 And just like she received 6 years ago, there were many presents for her to enjoy. Thankfully she happens to be incredibly sweet (she has her moments), and allowed her sister (the one in mismatched PJ's per her own request) to help open a present. They had hoped to find a baby brother inside one of the packages, but remembered that's a discussion with daddy for another day.....
Happy Happy Happy 6th Birthday Regan!
We love you to pieces!! 

1 comment:

Roz said...

Loved this post!