Thursday, February 23, 2012


or not. 
The girls have enjoyed their weekly gymnastics classes and tonight, after the final night of this session, they were each given ribbons and Sidney's class does a little "TA-DA!" on a pedestal. Well, our little girl got a little nervous and didn't want to come out in front of all the parents. Luckily Miss Linda scooped her up and presented her to us....
Please don't be alarmed...she adores gymnastics classes! Loves them to pieces. She does fret when she can't see me sitting with the rest of the parents (because occasionally I do like to go watch Regan too). Thankfully she has another amazing teacher, who does her best to distract her while I sneak away for 3 minutes. She has always been a mama's baby and a million times a day can be heard asking "where's my mommy?". Bless her heart! 

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