Sunday, February 12, 2012

Swim Meet 2012

Regan participated in her first swimming meet today. It's defined as a "fun meet", and fun is what we had. Although it didn't start out so rosy, she woke up from nap this afternoon and declared "I don't want to do the meet". This is a comment that we didn't expect. Regan is our laid back daughter, one that generally has a go-with-the-flow attitude and does whatever we bring her way. My guess is she was tired, wanting to stay home and play versus go for a swim. But with a little convincing, we made it to the meet and she quickly changed her attitude. 

Side by side, they sat with anticipation until Regan was called to hop into the pool. Sidney is her biggest cheerleader, it's really fun to listen to those two. 
Regan is in lane 3 below, where she made it to the other side in 15 seconds. We screamed and cheered and were so proud of her. Ryan was the typical dad, completely ecstatic that she hit the wall ahead of any other swimmers....."it's not a competition", I kept reminding him!  
 She eagerly showed us her first ribbon and then waited again for her turn to climb back in. She caught some pointers from her lane coach before taking off for the other side again. 
 By the location of arms on her lane coach, you'll see he felt the same as Ryan did. Once again, Regan made it to the end ahead of the other swimmers and he/Ryan were pretty pumped! 
 Regan, however, was just happy to receive her second ribbon for the day. Later at dinner she commented, "and I didn't even want to do the meet at first!". Needless to say, she was pretty satisfied to have a set of parents who strongly encouraged her participation today. Sidney reminded her "and I was cheering and clapping for you Regan!". She has so much admiration for that big sister of hers. And we are so proud of you Regan! 

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